I do believe Brian McKnight is singing vocals on this track...
Make your life count: a year of Adrian’s writing
2 weeks ago
Consider Alice's dilemma. Actually she had four options from which to choose. She could have taken the left fork or the right fork. She also could have chosen to retutn the way she had come. Or she could have stood fixed at the spot of indecision until she died there. For her to take a step in any direction, she would need some motivation or inclination to do so. Without any motivation, any prior inclination, her only real option would be to stand there and perish.
"Wandering from room to room is someone with an iPod; music no longer requires going out, being with other people, or even sitting in a room on your own, listening. Now its a permanent distraction, a matter of right, a way of affirming your identity without having to be identified by other members of your chosen tribe; even when we interact with the outside world, reluctantly our ears are plugged with the iPod buds, trickling music into our minds. Our grandparents would have thought is appalling rudeness; after all what does it say but, 'I do not acknowledge your existence. You are superfluous to me. I may be moving in the same physical space as you, but don't expect me to acknowledge it.' "
"It is rather like those scenes you sometimes watch in films when one of the characters has a heart attack in a restaurant, collapses, and as he falls to the floor, clutches at a tablecloth and pulls it and everything on it, on to the floor with him in the process, making a horrible mess and smashing all the crockery. Still, we have only received the government we deserve. As a country we have refused to take responsibility ourselves and have continued to give power over more and more areas of life to the state; as a church we have colluded with this, transferring our duties to the state so that it can fulfil them for us, rather than standing up prophetically against its tyranny and saying, “This far, and no further.” We are reaping what we have sown."
''It strikes you as out of kilter that there's a notice at London Paddington station which says 'please be ready to may with your luggage when you reach the top of escalator' becuase it implies that otherwise you wouldn't be ready to move away with your luggage but, instead would stand there like a moron with other morons piling up against you so that eventually something has to give and you all tumble back down the escalator in melee of morons and get sucked into the mechanism and ground to hamburger and they'd hose the down and scrub the gobbets of stupid flesh out of the machinery and start it up again and the same thing would happen again...or, if not, why the need for the notice.''