Friday 12 June 2009

Home Education in the UK

A great post by Daniel Newman over on his blog. A classic quote in the second to last paragraph...both insightful and sobering at the same time.

I agree with Daniel's closing exhortation to repentance and intercession. It is about time the Church felt the weight of responsibility in praying for the Lordship of Christ to be restored in our nation, and for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit to awaken people's hearts to God, bringing them to repentance and faith.

"It is rather like those scenes you sometimes watch in films when one of the characters has a heart attack in a restaurant, collapses, and as he falls to the floor, clutches at a tablecloth and pulls it and everything on it, on to the floor with him in the process, making a horrible mess and smashing all the crockery. Still, we have only received the government we deserve. As a country we have refused to take responsibility ourselves and have continued to give power over more and more areas of life to the state; as a church we have colluded with this, transferring our duties to the state so that it can fulfil them for us, rather than standing up prophetically against its tyranny and saying, “This far, and no further.” We are reaping what we have sown."

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