'There is a habit which plagues many so called spiritual minds: they imagine that somehow matter and spirit are at odds with each other and that the right course for human life is to escape from the world of matter into some finer and purer (and undoubtedly duller) realm. To this is a crashing mistake - and it is, above all, a theological mistake. Because, in fact, it is God who invented dirt, onions and turnip greens, God who invented human being with their strange compulsion to cook their food; God who, at the end of each day of creation, pronounced a resound ''Good!'' over his own concoctions. And it is God's unrelenting love of all the stuff in this world that keeps it in being at every moment. So, if we are fascinated, even intoxicated by matter, it is no surprise: we are made in the image of the Ultimate Materialist.'I winced and shook my head in utter disbelief as the person conducting the meeting, whilst away at training, exhorted us as a group to remain focussed as he told us we were entering the 'spiritual part of the day.' I said in reply, quietly in under my breath.... 'as if the day thus far had not been spiritual.' This is really the crux of this passage here...everything is spiritual, whether you choose to recognise it or not. Let us not become a bunch of neo - platonic dualists who frown upon the material world in favour of the more noble 'spiritual world.'
Make your life count: a year of Adrian’s writing
2 weeks ago
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