Thursday 19 February 2009

Valley of Vision

After finishing work today I was overwhelming frustrated with just everything...and I have finally come to admit I am one of these persons who become very easily frustrated. However, thanks to this great little book I just purchased, 'Valley of Vision', I was able to gain a bit of perspective on my very small troubles and trivialities.

I would certainly reccommend this collection of Puritan Prayers; its a wonderfully unique and simple book. This quote speaks with such clarity and forth rightness...

''O Lord God, who inhabitest eternity
The heavens declare thy glory,
The earth thy riches,
The universe is thy temple,
Yet thou hast of thy pleasure created life, and communicated
Thoust hast made me what I am, and given me what I have,
In thee I live and love and have thy being,
Thy providence has set the bounds of my habitation,
and wisely administers all my affairs.
I thank thee for all thy riches to me in Jesus.''


Unknown said...

VOV is outstanding as are the Sovereign Grace Ministries album and Matt Giles' songs based on it.

They're just so rich in language I don't naturally use in my prayers, and for things I wouldn't think to pray.

Oli Lawford said...

Thanks for your comment Dave. I will check out the Sovereign Grace and Matt Giles materials also.

I can definitely agree with the richness your talking about. From the very first page the soul is stirred and the spirit enlived.

Good Stuff!