Thursday 23 October 2008

Edwards on Revival

I was struck by this passage as I read Jonathan Edwards on Revival...

''Many, while their minds have been filled with spiritual delights, have as it were forgot there food; their bodily appetite has failed, while their minds have been entertained with meat to eat that others knew not of. The light and comfort which some of them enjoy, give a new relish to their common blessings, and cause all things about them to appear as it were beautiful, sweet and pleasant. All things abroad, the sun, moon and stars and clouds and sky, the heavens and earth, appear as It were with a divine glory and sweetness upon them. Though this joy include in it a delightful sense of the safety of their own states, yet frequently, in times of their highest spiritual entertainment, this seems not to be the chief object of their fixed thoughts and meditation. The supreme attention of their minds is the glorious excellencies of God and Christ; and there is very often a ravishing sense of God’s love accompanying a sense of excellency. They rejoice in a sense of the faithfulness of God’s promises, as they respect the future eternal enjoyment of him.''

How I pray that I would be so astonished by the things of God that I would forget the times that I normally do things, that I would no longer be plagued by routine as I seek not to leave the presence of God himself. How I pray that I would see the trivial and ordinary no longer as ordinary, but as sweet and beautiful and blessed and touched by the very hand of God. How I pray that I would have the mind to comprehend, and the eyes to see all of creation bearing witness to the glory of God and speaking of his manifold wisdom and splendor.

I pray all these things be so, until that day when I stand face to face with God. Until that day when I can do nothing to escape nor lose sight of the excellency and beauty of God in all his radiance, and live to worship him.

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