Wednesday 1 October 2008

Grace like rain

These last few days I have been locked in battle with the words and teaching of Martin Lloyd-Jones on the topic of Baptism in the Spirit. His writing style has taken me a little while to grow accustomed to, but I have grown to appreciate his use of illustration, anecdote and testimony. These serve well in breaking his usual theological onsluaght and relentless barrage of scripture upon scripture.

Before I share one of his illustrations, which I am infact using to demonstrate a completlely different point to it's original meaning, I would also take this point you towards Adrian Warnock's site, who I do believe is running a tribute to Martin Lloyd-Jones, rather aptly named 'MLJ Mondays.' Here is one of these illustrations...

''Imagine yourself walking along a country road and there may be a slight drizzle, but because you haven't got an overcoat you go on walking through this drizzle and eventually you get thoroughly wet; but it has taken some time because it is only a slight drizzle. But then you could be walking along that same road at another time and suddenly there is a cloud burst and you are soaking wet in a manner of seconds. It is a raining in both cases, but there is a great difference between a gentle drizzle, which you scarcely observe, and a sudden cloud burst which comes down on you.''
Next time that you are out in the rain and you find yourself in a similar situation, as each drops proceeds to roll down your brow, and your hair is heavy under the tiny weight of each droplet, why not let it prompt you in worship. As you savour each small drop offer praise to the great God who like floods of rain, freely lavishes upon you unmerited grace afresh each morning. Ponder the merciful saviour who does not let the flames of your own sin consume you, but extinguishes the fire of your own rebellion with a deluge of unrestrained and immeasurable mercy.

If this is not your experience, then why not let it stir something in your soul. Cry out, 'Father astound me with your love, captivate my heart with your grace, flood my heart and mind with light that I might catch a glimpse of your mercy.'

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